Marty Gale     19 08 2010, 01:27

My great-grandfather, Johann Carl Mannigel, left Wilkersdorf for America in 1867. There are no existing church records for Zicher/Zorndorf or civil records, from what I\'ve read. I am so interested in exchanging information on the town and am interested to know if there is a listing of people buried in the cemetery there. Thank you.

Carsten     24 09 2010, 21:44

Suche Hübner und Schulz aus Wilkersdorf:

Spitale Sibylle     9 04 2011, 19:36

Wünsche mir mehr Fotos von Wilkersdorf(Krzes\'nica), dem Geburtsort meines Vaters Wilhelm Brucks (geb.1924)

Gladys Dietzel     27 12 2016, 22:01

My husband\'s great grandfather was born in Wilkersdorf in 1821. He and his family immigrated to the United States in 1858. His wife was Charlotte Schenke born in Zorndorf. Any more information would be appreciated.

Gladys Dietzel     27 12 2016, 22:15

In reference to former post, my husbands great grandfather was Frederich Kasper Dietzel

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