Marian     31 08 2011, 15:48

W jakim stanie są cmęntarze w Cedyni ( zehden)i Niederwutzen

Mateusz Atroszko     31 08 2011, 16:40

Jak rozumiem ma Pan na mysli stare cmentarze? W Cedyni na terenie dawnego cmentarza (niedaleko kosciola) jest teraz cmentarz komunalny. Nie ma zadnych starych grobow ani pomnikow. W Osinowie Dolnym nie znalazlem cmentarza, ale przyznam, ze nie szukalem. Na mapach topograficznych nie ma, wiec prawdopodobnie nic nie zostalo. Na tym przykoscielnym natomiast nie ma sladu dawnych pomnikow - po prostu trawnik.

przemek     30 06 2014, 21:34

Poszukuje poległego żołnierza LWP Ryszarda Perzanowskiego.Będę wdzięczny za pomoc!

günter schwanz     17 02 2015, 17:16

die ruinen der alten Fabrik in der nähe von stara rudnica ist ein schotterwerk für die deutsche Reichsbahn gewesen

Renate Wittmann     8 04 2015, 16:05

Gibt es jemanden, der sich an die Familie Schmidt in Zäckerick erinnert? Das Ehepaar hieß Johann und Anna, die Kinder (darunter mein Vater) Martha, Emma, Richard, Otto, Herbert. Martha war mit Hermann Falkenthal verheiratet und hatte drei Söhne: Heinz, Kurt und Gerhard. Die Eltern starben sehr früh, die Generation meines Vaters (Herbert) musste flüchten, wahrscheinlich 1945. Ich war noch nie in Zäckerick, interessiere mich aber für alles, was meine Familie betrifft, da mein Vater sehr früh verstorben ist.

Amy Uehara     15 09 2015, 09:00

Thank you so much for this website!! It is beautifully done and informative. I appreciate the effort you have put into making this area accessible to those who wish to visit but have little information (or who cannot visit in person). We have ancestors from the former Zaeckerick and Alt Ruednitz areas. Best to you all!

Ron Glandt     15 09 2015, 15:39

Amy Uehara (Japan) (above comment) and I, Ronald K. Glandt (USA) are distant cousins searching for our common ancestors (Klemke) from the Odor River area in or near Siekierki, and Ruelnaiz Poland. We would greatly appreciate any knowledge of the following: August Ludwig Klemke7/28/1826-6/29/1903 married Maria Richnow1/31/1824-8/20/1870 Sons: Frederick August Constantine Klemke born in 1863 Migrated to USA in 1878 Emil Herbert Klemke Migrated to USA in 1878 August Theodore Klemke 1/18/1872 - 8/29/1949 Migrated to USA 1880 Replies to would greatly be appreciated!!

Mateusz Atroszko     15 09 2015, 15:50

Dear Mrs. Uehara, thank you for kind words!

Amy Uehara     4 07 2016, 11:02

Hello, again! I briefly visited this area in November of 1999. My distant cousin, Ron Glandt, above visited one month after his post in 2015. I will be visiting in August 2016. Next month! And Ron will be visiting again soon after that! We are interested in any information or in meeting people with knowledge of this area. Naturally, your website will be of great use during our visits! 3 KLEMKE brothers as Ron wrote above, emigrated with their father and his second wife (geb. Caroline HERSE...with her brother\'s family as well) from Zaeckerick and Alt Ruednitz, now Siekierki and Stara Rudnica. (The two older brothers\' mother had died. She was Marie RICHNOW). We will be visiting the Oderland Museum and Dr. Schmook in Bad Freienwalde as well. Please contact me, Amy, at or Ron ,at the address given above. Sincerely, Amy (Klemke) Uehara

Martina Ringel     8 02 2018, 22:29

Hi, nice to get information about the area my grandpa grow up. I search for the family Schwanz. My great-grandpa Karl Hermann Schwanz (*1904) married Anna Sydow (*1905, died 1935). Hermann had 2 sons: Friedrich (whose mother was Anna Sydow) and Hermann (half-brother of Friedrich). Does anyone can tell me anything about this family?

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