Photos and touristic information about West Poland

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(former: Colbitz)

Interesting places:

Where to sleep in neighbourhood

Camping place Kiełbicze (Colbitz) near Widuchowa (Fiddichow)

Located among the woods by the nice Lake Kiełbicze. Camping with wooden houses for rent. You can also put your camping treiler or tent. Small restaurant.
Price of one day in small house starts from aboit 15 Euro per 1 person.
Place for tent - about 3 Euro per person.
how to find → When you drive from Chojna (Königsberg/Nm.) to Szczecin (Stettin) than few kilometers after Lisie Pole (Uhtdorf) turn right direction Żelechowo (Selchow) (near train rails). About 4 km before Żelechowo (Selchow) take road left via the woods.
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